General Primary Care
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Massage & Bodywork Therapy
Prevention & Wellness
Herbal Medicine
Functional Whole Foods Nutrition & Lifestyle Consulting
“Health is not valued until sickness comes.”
If you wake up sick, you shouldn't have to wait to see a doctor. Here at TRUEcare Integrative Medicine we often offer same or next day appointments with your provider. We want to help get you on your way to feeling better as soon as possible. If the situation requires immediate medical attention, please call 9-1-1 at once.
If you or your child are an established patient here at TRUEcare Integrative Medicine and have an urgent medical need, we have times set aside in our day for just this purpose. You may call the front desk and leave a message and Dr. Evangelynn will get back to you at her earliest convenience or email through the patient portal.
Emailing or messaging through your patient portal will often be the quickest way to contact Dr. Evangelynn during the day as she is seeing patients.
If your concern cannot wait until the next business day but is not a life threatening emergency, you may utilize some of the following local urgent care clinics in the area.
For adults and older kids: Immediate Clinic, ZoomCare, or EvergreenHealth Urgent Care location nearest you.
For younger kids and infants: Seattle Children’s Hospital has several Urgent Care Clinics in the area, as well as a helpful guide as to whether the ER or Urgent Care is best.